Local Self Referral / Contacts


Active Health - https://www.velocitylove.co.uk/projects/activehealth

Addictions Counselling Inverness – Tel: 01463 220995   Email@ info@addictionscounsellinginverness.org

(for people affected by addiction and substance misuse)

Alcoholics Anonymous - 0800 9177 650 or web 0800 9177 650 or web help@alcoholics-anonymous.org.uk   (daily meetings in Inverness area available)

Appointments – Raigmore – Tel: 704000

(to find out about hospital appointments)

Ambulance Transport – Tel: 0300 123 1236

(to arrange transport to hospital appointments)


Befrienders Highland- (Mental Health Service – Tel: 01463 235675 - anyone who is 18yrs+ and has experienced mental ill health, is lonely or isolated and lives in the Highland or Argyll and Bute regions can be referred or refer themselves.) (Dementia – Tel: 03303 552255 - anyone who either has a diagnosis of dementia or has memory difficulties which may lead to dementia OR is a person who cares for someone with dementia and live in the Highland Council Region)

Bereavement Counselling – Cruse 0845 600 2227

(for bereavement support, counselling, education, advice and information)

Breast Screening (3 yearly) – Tel: 713222

Breathing Space – Tel: 0800 838587 or web www.breathingspacescotland.co.uk

(for those experiencing low mood, depression or anxiety)

(Brook Highland) – now called North25 – Tel: 07565254433

(free and confidential sexual health advice and contraception to under 25’s)


CAB – Tel: 01463 237664 (or make appointment at Reception) - 29-31 Union Street, Inverness or email on: https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/scotland/  (for advice on benefits, housing, employment, debt and community care)

Cheerful Chesters – Tel: 221204    Address: Raigmore Community Hall, Ashton Road, Raigmore Estate, Inverness

(to help people with severe respiratory problems through regular gentle exercise)

Chiropodist – self referral via forms from Reception or our website 

Corbett Centre – Tel: 729282    Address: Coronation Park, Inverness

(day service for adults with disabilities)

Crossreach – Tel: 718069    Address: Cameron House, Culduthel Rd, Inverness IV2 4YG

Christian care and support, particularly to children and families, those affected by substance misuse, those with learning disabilities and older people

Cycle Scheme:

(to increase mental and physical well-being through supportive, regular group bicycle rides – welcomes riders of all abilities.  It is suitable for those with low self-esteem, feelings of isolation, lacking in confidence or motivation, low mood or anxiety.  It is run by Velocity Ourtreach Team.  Bikes and other cycle equipment are provided – participants are only required to wear trainers, comfortable clothes and a water bottle and snack)


Dental Helpline – Tel: 0845 6442271

(for information regarding registering with a dentist, or for emergency dental care)

Dunbar Centre – Tel: 01463-226534    Address: 86 Church Street, Inverness

(friendship services)


Family Planning – Tel: 704202  Address: Raigmore Hopsital

Foodbank – must be referred by Practice.  Voucher available from Practice Manager

Friendship Service (see Dunbar Centre)


Guided Self Help – GP referral only

GUM Clinic – Tel: 704202    Address: Raigmore Hospital (see also Brook Highland, Sexual Health)


Handyman Scheme – Tel: 229151

(for people aged 65 or over who have difficulty carrying out small jobs around the home, and for people of any age with a disability)

Highland Crisis Accommodation – 57 Church Street, Inverness. Tel: 01463 718693/01463 233773/07850 527522

Emergency accommodation for homeless.

Highland Hospice - Tel: 01463 243132

(for adults with incurable life limiting disease, their relatives and carers)

Highlife Highland https://www.highlifehighland.com/


Larch House – Tel 704678

(A community service facility for those with mental health issues)

Listening Well Service (LWS) / Listening Time for You (LT4U) - https://listenwellscotland.org.uk/welcome-to-lt4u/

(a confidential service provided by Listen Well Scotland, which enables you to talk to a professionally trained listener about your concerns or worries, who will listen to you in confidence, offering you respect, time and space)

Living Life – Tel: 0800 328 9655

(for those feeling low, anxious or stressed)


Mackenzie Centre – Tel: 231488

(for re-ablement - short term support to help you back to independence)

MacMillan Nursing Service – Tel: 233659

(help and support for people with cancer and other life limiting conditions)


Netley Day Therapy Centre – Tel: 227914  Address: Laxford House, Cradlehall Business Park, Inverness

(drop in service on Wednesdays for those living with a life limiting condition, their relatives and carers – can access OT, Nurses, Complimentary Therapy, Support, Social Work Physio, Chapliancy)

North25 (previously Brook St) – Tel: 07565254433

(free and confidential sexual health advice and contraception to under 25’s)


Osprey House – Tel: 716888    Address: Raigmore Avenue, Inverness

(for those experiencing drug or alcohol related issues)



Palliative Care Helpline - 01463 706655 or https://highlandhospice.org/what-we-do/end-of-life-care-together/palliative-care-helpline

Phoenix Centre – Tel: 705597    Address: Raigmore Hospital, Inverness

(child and adolescent mental health service)

Pre-Op Clinic, Raigmore – Tel: 706108

(for information regarding pre-operative assessment and tests)

Physiotherapy – Tel: 0800 917 9390 or web https://www.nhsinform.scot/illnesses-and-conditions/muscle-bone-and-joints

(for advice and help with muscle or joint problems - referral to a physiotherapist will be done by your GP or other healthcare professional)


Samaritans – Tel: 01463 713456 or 0330 0945717    Address: 61-67 Tomnahurich St, Inverness IV3 5DT 

(talk to us any time you like, in your own way, and off the record – about whatever’s getting to you)

Sexual Health – Tel: 704202    Address: Raigmore Hospital (see also Brook Highland for under 25’s)

(for sexual health or contraception advice and services)

 Smoking Cessation – Tel: 704928 (Highland Smoking Cessation Service, or contact your local pharmacy)


Toe Nail Cutting Service – Mackenzie Centre, 23a Culduthel Road, Inverness. Tel: 231488 (£15 for 1st appointment, £10 for all other appointments)


Volunteer Transport – Tel: 226662

(provides non-emergency transport to anyone registered with a GP in Inverness who is unable to access  Community Health care facilities)


Wheelchair & Seating Service – Tel: 704167    Address: Raigmore Hospital, Inverness

(provides wheelchairs and seating services to patients with long term disabilities which impairs their ability to walk)

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