Access your medical records

How to access your medical record
There are several ways to access your records held by Croyard Medical Practice. These are provided free of charge and arranged by contacting reception in person or by telephone.
- Brief summary detailing your list of medical conditions. Typically 1-2 sheets of paper.
- List of your vaccination history held by the surgery
- SARs (Subject Access Request). Your full record held by Croyard Medical Practice
- Please be mindful only to request your full record when absolutely necessary, as this requires a significant amount of practice time and resource
- If you have been asked to request this by a third party, e.g. solicitor or insurance company, please consider whether you with to grant them full access to your entire medical record, and whether this is necessary. It may be that a specific timeframe is all you require.
- Repeated or 'unreasonable' requests will incur a charge payable to the practice
- SARs take upto 28 days to be processed, as they must be fully reviewed before release.
Please remember that records issued by the practice may not be fully comprehensive and reflect only the information held by Croyard Medical Practice. If you require access to records held by another party you will need to approach them separately (e.g. vaccination records held by NHS Highland or NHS Scotland).