Join the surgery

Practice Boundary

We accept registration requests within the practice boundary outlined opposite. If you live outwith this area, please go to the NHS Inform website to find the nearest practice in your area.

Croyard Boundary

Registering with Croyard Medical Practice

To register permanently, you’ll need to complete a registration form. Registration forms are available to download here, or can be collected from reception.

When registering with the practice, please provide information to confirm your:

  • Identity
    • e.g. Driving Licence/Passport/other photograph ID
  • Address
    • e.g. Council Tax or other Utility Bill

These can either be provided as copies at the Surgery, or emailed along with your completed registration forms to

This means you can be matched to your existing NHS records. If you have difficulty in providing this then please speak to our reception team.


To help us process your requests for repeat medications when you register with us, please submit (if available):

  • A copy of your previous repeat medications slip
  • a summary of your medical records from your previous practice, or if you have a smart phone, a picture of your current medications (showing the labels) which can be emailed to our practice email address We thank you for your co-operation with this.

Anybody in Scotland can access primary care services at a GP practice without charge.

Registering as a Temporary Resident

You can only register with a GP practice if you’re staying in the area for more than 3 months. If you’re not, you may still be treated as a Temporary Resident.

If you need to be seen as a Temporary Patient you will need to complete a form at the surgery.

For more information on being treated as a Temporary Resident please contact the practice.