Right Care Right Place

If we all use NHS services wisely, we can keep well and get the care we need quickly, safely and as close to home as possible.

The NHS is under pressure, illnesses are becoming more complicated, the population is living longer and budgets are being cut. GP’s need to spend more time with complex cases and those with chronic conditions. To help with this, your NHS now offers a large number of Community Services and self-care options that you can access, without the need for you to see your GP.    Details of these can be seen below.

where to go

Pharmacy First

NHS Pharmacy First Scotland will allow community pharmacies to give people expert help for treating conditions such as sore throats, earache and cold sores, along with common clinical conditions such as urinary tract infections (UTIs). Pharmacy teams offers advice, treatment or referral to other healthcare teams if required.  

Click here to find out more information about Pharmacy First.

Pharm fisrt

Dental & eye issues


Joint or muscle issues

  • Do you need help with a joint or muscle problem?
  • Is it interfering with your life or work?
  • Do you want to know how you can help yourself?

For advice and self care information on MSK issues you can click here

NHS Inform

Further information regarding self-management for various conditions and ailments can be found by clicking here at NHS inform