The Practice has a strong commitment to training and education of both new doctors, and existing staff. We ask for your patience and understanding with this and please remember, its purpose is to provide you with better care.
There may be occasions when the practice is closed for teaching purposes - we will try to give as much notice as possible in order to reduce inconvenience to patients.
Video Recording of Consultations
You may be asked if you would agree to undertaking having your consultation recorded on video. Rest assured that at all times this is entirely voluntary, and your care will not in any way be prejudiced if you decline to do so.
Your written consent will be sought both before and after the consultation. The camera is unobtrusive, and you will very quickly forget that it is present. At no time will recording cover any intimate examination or similar.
The purpose of the video-recording is for the education and /or assessment of the health professional involved. It enables us to check that consulting style and content is appropriate, and is extremely useful for ensuring good clinical practice.
GP Registrars
These are fully qualified doctors, usually of several years, who already hold experience of medical practice within the hospital setting. They are undertaking a postgraduate training programme of 3 years or longer specifically in General Practice. They are supervised by a doctor within the practice at all times.
Medical Students
Occasionally we have a medical student present with the doctor during consultation watching him/her working. We will always ask if you mind having a student present when you see the doctor. If you are not happy then the student will leave. Do not hesitate to tell us. We know it can be difficult to speak to the doctor when someone else is there.
At some stage, once the student has some experience, then we may ask you to speak to the student first, then the doctor will come in and see you.
Foundation Year Doctors
Occasionally we have a foundation year doctor working alongside us. This will be a qualified doctor in their second year of medical practice who will work directly under the supervision of one of the GPs.