Find out about conditions, symptoms, causes and treatments, including what to do and when to get help.
Croyard Medical Practice

If you have been asked to submit a photograph, blood pressure readings, long term condition or other review, this guide will explain how to complete this.

All child and adult immunisations are now provided by NHS Highland via a central booking service.
If you have questions or require to arrange an appointment the team can be contacted:
- By phone 08000 320 339
- Monday, 9:30am to 5:00pm
- Tuesday to Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm
You can leave a voicemail outside these hours with details.
- By email
Check your symptoms
Use our symptom checkers to assess your symptoms and find out what you should do next.
NHS 24 Online
Use the free NHS 24 Online app to:
- find health and care services within your local area
- assess your symptoms to find out what you should do next
This will help you get the right care in the right place.